
Hydro-mulching is the hydraulic or mechanical application of seed, mulch, fertiliser, tackifier (sticking agent) and water to form a wet mixture called slurry. These ingredients are combined and mixed in a special tank and then pumped out of a hose or tower gun onto exposed soil. This method is a cost-effective alternative to laying turf.

Hydro-mulching is widely used in the revegetation of disturbed areas within the civil engineering, mining and land development industries, especially on slopes where there is a significant risk of erosion occurring during the period of initial plant establishment.

Benefits of Hydro-mulching are:
  • Protecting the soil surface from erosion
  • hydromuclhIncreasing filtration of rainfall into the soil
  • Reducing the rate of drying of the soil surface after rain, thereby improving germination of seeds and establishment of plants
  • Addition of organic matter to the soil as the hydro-mulch breaks down


Hydro-seeding is a similar process to that of Hydro-mulching without the mulch being included in the mix.

In this process, the slurry of seed, dye, fertiliser and water are homogeneously mixed and continuously agitated in the hydro-mulching tank whilst the slurry is sprayed onto the prepared area.

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